"Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone"(Colossians 4:6 NLT).
Have you ever been around someone who seems to say just the right thing at just the right time? And when they do talk they attract people when they start talking?
Knowing God has been so gracious in our lives we should show grace in our conversations with others. If our conversations are sprinkled with grace it's hard to be critical. It's hard to be unpleasant. And what does it mean to be attractive? Do I use a lot of big words with people to make my conversation attractive? I looked up attractive in the Greek and in this case it means, "seasoned with salt". We should choose to work grace into all of our conversations and we should choose our words carefully asking God for wisdom so that we can respond in a Godly way to every situation.
Prayer: Lord let us be led by your spirit, speaking the truth in such a way that is going to promote life change in us and the people around us.