Saturday, April 18, 2009

After a few days of rest camping with the family we are heading back to Stafford. It's amazing what a few days away can do to refresh! Now back to prep for Sun!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


As I look back on my life I see God's imprint on it. Sometimes there were pivotal moments like coming to Faith and the decision to marry Missy and those were incredible moments of asking God for wisdom and having Him open my eyes to see where He wanted me to go next. But there have been times when I have taken steps and I'll be honest, I didn't see the light, and I didn't hear the angels rejoicing! They were tough steps and sometimes I felt like I was walking all alone. There have been those times when I felt nothing. I got up, got showered and dressed went through my day and at the end of the day I felt like saying, "Where was God today?"

It's in those times that I realize that God IS near. He's requiring me to trust in him and not waver in my faith. I need to be obedient to Him even in the mundane. Last month we went through a series dealing with these "baby" steps in our spiritual lives. We all have taken these steps, steps to overcome adversity, sin, all to get closer to God! We can't do it alone. We need each other. We need other believers that help us along the way. They help us stay the course. And when we accomplish a "victory" step even if it's a small step, a mundane step that isn't of epic proportions we need to celebrate the win! It's all for you, God!

Friday, April 03, 2009

Finish Line

There haven't been any blogs in the past two weeks because we have been putting in some serious long hours getting the new Horizons Church Campus in Stafford up and running. While we were working on Saturday someone noticed that the name of the seeding company that was spreading grass seed on the property was named Finish Line (see picture). Those of you who've been here for a while know that our capital campaign was named Finish Line. What a funny coincidence! Last Sunday was our first service and it was rather surreal. Watching so many people respond (we had a record crowd) to the message of Jesus, was unforgettable. It was a powerful fantastic service and God showed up!

I even had some time to chat with some of the workers while we were up here working. We were very blessed to be able to share Christ with many of them and see them take steps toward committing their lives to Christ. I believe that scores of people will come to this place to meet Christ for the very first time and begin a relationship with Him! Workers who had been on the job site for months came to the service on Sunday and worshiped alongside of us! All in all it was an amazing weekend. The fruit of many years of labor!!!

God is Good!