Friday, February 26, 2010


There have been a lot of emails and questions about my departure from Horizons.  I just wanted to get this out so that there isn't any confusion.  After being given all the details of the direction change for staffing at Horizons, I agree that there needs to be changes.  There is no animosity between Pastors Rich, or Jay nor the leadership of the church.  We all recognized there needs to be a change.

Horizons is growing and with growth comes some decisions.  Decisions are never easy especially when it comes to church staffing.  We feel that the past four years have been amazing here at Horizons.  I know that God has used this experience here to help me grow as a leader.  I've watched two ministries grow and flourish and feel privileged to have been a part of it!  A wise pastor once told me that I always need to take into account that all things are seasonal.  My hope and trust is in Jesus and I know that when one season ends, another season begins. 

Currently God is already showing himself faithful.  Some opportunities are opening up and I'm excited to see where God plants us next.  Life is an adventure and the best is yet to come, for Horizons and the Rogers' family.

Thanks again for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for my family as we seek God for what the next step is for us.

See you on Sunday!
