Thursday, July 26, 2007

Summer Camp. Can you remember those times that you spent packing up and leaving the family for a week to go to a camp? I remember the feeling right before you got on the bus and feeling excited and nervous all at the same time.

We are preparing to go to a Camp with our Middle School and Senior High Youth Group and every time I prepare for these camps it brings back fond memories.

Some of the times that I've felt closest to God has been at these camps. There is something about going away to a place in the mountains and get alone with our friends to go for God. Over the years I've seen kids lives transformed. It's so awesome to watch God work in people's lives.

This year our theme is "Going Deeper" We don't want to just scratch the surface with God we want to dive in and go all the way not looking at what is behind us bet pressing into what God has for us with everything we have.

Pray for us as we get away. Pray that our kids have a great time and that God will speak to our hearts.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Just a quick update to let you know that we are being blown away by the presence of God in Brazil. We´ve been a part of a worship camp at the YWAM base here in Piratininga. The very first night The leader asked if we could come up and pray and our team prayed over people. Using translators and the Holy Spirit, the team was able to minister to hundreds of worship leaders and artists. We ministered to orphanages and day care during the day and ministered at the camp in the evening.

We are completing our ministry time and prepare to come back home. Please keep us in your prayers and I´ll update you soon!