Wednesday, June 25, 2008

message not received

Lately I've been having some trouble with my email. I tried sending a group email to everyone on my worship team and for some reason it didn't send to my keyboard player or my sound guy. It says that it's sent but he tells me "message not received". What a crazy predicament! So now I'm thinking that maybe I need to change mine but I have had this address for five years now and it would be a huge hassle to change the address.

Have you ever felt that God wasn't answering your prayers? You get in your prayer closet but yet you feel like you're talking to the four walls. I have felt that way sometimes. In my case it's mostly because I'm not quieting myself and spend enough time to hear Him. I jump into my prayer room and spout off my requests and then it's on to the next item on my to do list. Like any relationship, your relationship with God needs "quality time" . My most effective times that I spend with Him are usually when I have my guitar and I'm giving Him an offering of worship before anything else. I then spend time thanking Him for all the things He's done. It's amazing how thankfulness is like a key that opens the door into His presence.

One thing to note here. There is no set formula with the exception that if you want to hear his voice you need to spend time with Him. He's waiting and always there for you.

Now, if I could just get my email fixed!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day! This weekend was one of the busiest weekends that I've experienced in a while. On Saturday Missy and I attended three graduation get together's, went to a baseball game in Baltimore and then the Youth Group led the service on Sunday morning with dramas and worship. After that my family chilled at King's Dominion and we capped the weekend by going out to eat. By the time I got home I was so tired I couldn't sleep?! Have you ever had that happen!? Crazy. I hit the bedroom and laid down. Missy was fast asleep in two minutes and the next thing I know I'm wide awake.

So, I went downstairs and turned on the rest of the Laker/Celtic game and watched the Lakers hold on to a win. I have a busy week ahead of me. We have Middle School and High School services to plan and I'm leading worship this weekend as well. Not to mention the need to prepare for our summer schedule which is chock full of awesome amazing activities such as King's Fest and our Summer Camp.

God's in control. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Let Him strengthen you this week. May the power of the Holy Spirit give you the strength to do what He's called you to do!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

floating away on a saturday night

This past weekend was one to remember. A severe thunderstorm came through our area with lot's of lightening and hail and wind. During the storm the electricity went out so we all gathered in the cool part of the house down in the basement. We had candles lit and we were all sprawled over the couches and chairs trying to sleep when I happened to take the flashlight and look at the sump pump. Water was pouring out of it and the water was rushing to overtake that room and the other rooms in the basement. There was nothing we could do. The water was coming in too fast to be able to stop it. The pump won't work unless there is electricity to make it pump! A cleanup crew came in the next day and ripped out all of the carpet and treated the floor for mold. Right now we have ten "force nine" fans (force nine stands for really powerful loud fans) and two dehumidifiers. It sounds like a hurricane and we have to have them running for four or five days until the basement gets dried out.

Here's the thing that sticks in my mind as we continue this cleanup operation. We had the right equipment to keep water out of our basement but because we had no electricity we had no power to generate the pump. In our walk with God we need to be connected to him in order to be effective in the world that we live in. Get connected, be effective today...

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Way Things Are

Yes, I know! It's June and I haven't blogged yet! So, here it goes. We've been really overwhelmed in my house with all of the school activities and sporting events. I feel like I haven't seen my wife Missy other than to kiss her goodnight or to say goodbye to her in the morning! Can you say, "We need a vacation!"

This morning, if you've been reading my twitter you'll know, I am stressed. I think this is God's way of getting me to focus on Him and to remind me that I'm not in control, He is. It's no wonder that in my devotional this morning (My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers) really challenged me to proclaim, "The Lord is my helper, I will not fear" Hebrews 13:5-6 Chamber's says it so well, "I will not be obsessed with apprehension". (

Man, I can get worked up over the silliest things! And it's primarily because I don't consider God first. I consider my own feelings and agenda and that's when I get bent out of shape!

This doesn't mean that I won't get cranky when things don't go my way, and when I'm overwhelmed by that to do list! What it does mean is this. I need to be meditating on His word so when I get in that mode of being tempted to fear that I remember how the Bible addresses this issue! All I know is that in my old age I learn that I am not my own. I am His. I am Yours, God!

No matter what circumstances that we find ourselves in that God will NEVER leave us or forsake us. This is our God that we serve!
