Saturday, July 31, 2010

Messiah 2010 Update

Messiah Camp 2010

Just a quick note.  We went to Messiah Camp 2010 with high expectations and guess what?  God met or exceeded every expectation.  God is a great God.  He's a supernatural God that does supernatural things.  This morning I was reading an email from one of our parents and he was marveling at the fact that the feedback from camp wasn't how great all the cool the amazing activities were (and they were off the charts!) but how awesome worship was, how amazing devotional time was and how God was transforming their lives and the lives of their friends during ministry time.  God is a great God.  We met our creator this weekend and He loves us, O how He loves us.  Thanks, God!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

It's Summer Time!

I'm a summer time kinda person!  It's my favorite time of year.  I love the sunshine, I love the beach, days at King's Dominion and I can't wait to get to camp this year!  Messiah 2010 is shaping up to be one of the most memorable ever.  It is definitely the highlight of my summer! 

I'm feeling a bit nostalgic as you can imagine.  There are emotions, memories of the amazing things that have taken place in the past four years of being here at Horizons Church.  There's a part of me that wishes it never had to end.  Yet, there is a part of me that can't wait to put my hand to a new project that God has for me.  One of Maggie's friends from school came over tonight and we were reminiscing about the first year she came to camp.  We were laughing about some things but also recognized that it was one of the most life changing weeks that any of us had ever experienced.  The presence of the Lord was there.  It was amazing and many people that had no interest in God, acknowledged Him and walked through the steps of salvation and surrendered their lives to Christ by the end of that week.  Every year has it's stories.  Every year has it's amazing testimonies of what the Lord did.  

Pray for our kids this year that they would have an expectation of what camp can be if they turn their gaze upon Jesus Christ.  Pray that their hearts will be open as the Lord speaks.