Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

My prayer for all is that you'd find Hope in Jesus this Christmas.

From our H20 family to yours! I hope each and everyone of you has a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Looking for God?

Wow, I'm more pumped and charged about Christmas this morning than I've been in a long time. And I haven't even had my cup of coffee yet! Why, you ask?

Well, for one thing, I am always excited to buy gifts for my family at Christmas. And of course its great to receive gifts too! Justin left a note in my car to me saying, "don't worry daddy, I'm getting you a Christmas gift this year! During my forty something emotional moment as I read this note I realized that something has happened in Justin's heart. He's not just begging and pleading for the perfect gift but he's starting to think of others! Not bad for a ten year old! I'm proud of 'em.

Christmas, as it probably will be for a lot of people will be a bit leaner this year in the Roger's house. But, that caused me to rethink how I do Christmas. I had to get creative to save a buck but still give a gift that is going to make someone smile. I started listening to my family. Not the "I want a "fill in the blank" for Christmas kind of conversation but the ones that as we talked I began to see where their passion lies and that helped me figure out what gifts I'm giving.

I find God in these little things and I hope that this Christmas that we all see the attributes of the Father in our families! Only 16 more days til Christmas. "Don't worry Dad, I'm getting you a present!"

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the Heavenly lights, who does not change like the shifting shadows."
-James 1:17

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

It's A New Day and a New Year (Almost)

Hi Everyone,

After a short break from blogging I'm back on track again. I took some time off last week to catch up with some things such as planning for the new year, staff retreat, the new building, etc.

Here's a video short of something that I am so jazzed about. We found out on Monday that they are pouring the stage so we got a camera and went out to see what was up! As I was watching them spread the concrete over the form it was an "ah ha!" moment where I realized that we are so close to getting this building finished. Anyhow, here it is and I hope you can capture the excitement. God bless and have a great day.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's Wednesday morning and I'm at a stopping place from desperately trying to clear my inbox and trying to get a handle on a very long to do list. As I stopped for a moment I thought back to Sunday night. We had a worship time in youth that was truly amazing. After worshiping for almost an hour we broke up into small groups and had a time of prayer.

Usually when I look around at the different groups I see some kids disengaged and not taking things seriously and I'll join that group and help them focus, but last Sunday there wasn't one group that wasn't completely focused. In fact they were so focused that when I called to have everyone join in corporately for one last song I had a hard time getting them to stop praying! What a great problem to have! God's moving in the midst of our kids and our leaders are noticing how their prayers are genuine and even outward and not all about their own problems.

Take some time today and pray. God's waiting...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

2009 and Beyond...

We are in a staff retreat right now and we are planning for 2009. Yesterday, we had several team building activities and we spoke words of encouragement in the form of constructive criticism to amazing encouragement. Although it was exhausting, I came out of this meeting realizing that these are people that really understand me and want me to succeed as a leader.

Today we are in the brainstorming mode of what our theme is going to be for 2009. We have spent time in prayer, and God has brought us to some amazing ideas for this year. I'm excited, nervous and believing that God is going to get us to where He wants us in this new year. A lot of things are happening this year. We are moving into our new building. The goals that we are looking at are more challenging then ever but we all are sitting here with eager anticipation to get started! God is good.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Looking Back/ Looking Forward

Looking back:
Last weekend was awesome. We had a Fall festival that was an amazing event at Horizons church. I'm so glad that we were a part of that although, it was a little disappointing that our Trunk did not win the competition! After that we went to the Colonial Forge vs. Mountain View Football game. The MVHS Wildcats pulled off the upset and there was much rejoicing, unless you were Forge fan. Afterwards we went to Starbucks to celebrate and then over to Ihop to get some much needed nourishment. The next night was Mission Possible. Six Teams determined as ever got their camo gear and painted their faces, deciphered code and stealthily collected clues. All the while the counselors were being the spoilers and trying their best to distract the teams from their goals. Afterward we hung out at the camp fire, roasted marsh mellows and chilled. It was a beautiful night to be outside! Sunday night was H20 and I spoke to the middle schooler's while Missy spoke to the HS Group. We had a great night and overcame adversity to be in the presence of God.

Looking Forward:

This weekend will be even more amazing and incredible than last weekend! We are off to the Patriot Center Friday night to launch the inaugural Invincible Tour for Dare2Share. Steve Fee and Leeland will be there leading worship and Gregg Stiers and his team will be giving us some tools to be "Invincible" as we go out and about sharing Christ to a hurting world.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone Sunday morning
and evening @ Horizons services and H2o Services Sunday night!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Standing in the Midst of the Storm

As I look back over the past few months we've had a lot of things go wrong at our house. Some of you may remember that we had a series of thunderstorms over the summer. One of those storms knocked out our power for five hours and our sump pump in our basement failed. That translates into 2 inches of water all throughout the basement level! After that we had a hot water heater go bad that needed replacing. After that we had our fridge go out and needed fixing, twice in the same week! And this month we had our ejector pump go bad in our septic tank which is not a cheap fix. These weren't, "gee it would be nice to fix that someday expenses". These are all in that "necessity" category. Missy and I contemplated each of these things and realized we needed someone in the form of a savior to help us. Now in each of these things God showed himself strong. We got things fixed and realize that there are more things that are going to need fixing in the future as well. It's part of life.

As I was praying with the pastor's this morning I realized that we are in the midst of a storm. The word that came to me as I was praying was that Jesus said that "my yoke is easy". What that means is the fact that as we are walking through all these little trials that add up to big headaches sometimes, that He's walking with us, shouldering the burden. The light bulb went off and I realized that He's walking right beside us. When these things happen and when we are flustered and we aren't sure how we are going to deal with the things that life throws at me, we can stand firm. We can stand in the midst of the storm confident that He is right by our side. And you know what? After all, "We Win!"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Making Time For Him

In the middle of this crazy "fast paced" Northern Virginia world that we live in, I had three different people that tell me, "Andy, you need to slow down and spend more time in the presence of God." I hope you aren't shocked and surprised that a pastor would have to be told to slow down and rest and take it easy. Well, I thought I had a handle on this and that the time I was spending with God was sufficient.

Two questions quickly came to mind. How in the world can I slow down with all that needs to be accomplished in God's kingdom? And the other was what in the world can I cut out to do this? Do I lose sleep and get up earlier? Do I spend less time with my family to do this? Do I spend less time with my H20 kids? What do I do?

As I was pondering this I was reading some leadership mentoring materials over before meeting with some of the H20 leaders the next day. I realized a very simple truth. I better make adjustments even if it hurts. One of the key statements in the material I was reading was the fact that we as leaders need to put our own spirituality over others spirituality. That means simply that if you aren't spiritually healthy that you can't minister to others.

So, today I need to just be, even in the midst of taking care of my home and family, even in the midst of all the crisis that emerge around me, I need to take that moment and just be. God please fill me up today. I need you. You are my source for the energy and the power that I need to be able to accomplish everything that you have planned for me to accomplish in this life. Thanks, God!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Monday Holiday Syndrome

I have a love hate thing with Monday holidays. On one side of the coin we get a day off and can spend some time with the fam. On the other hand we have lost a day at the office and we are sprinting to get things done by the end of the week.

Monday, we basically used it wisely which really means that we worked around the house, went grocery shopping and then later that evening we had H20 worship practice. At 9:30 that night I remember thinking where'd the day go?

If I lived "back in the day"and Jesus said, "Come follow me", I would have been the one saying, "but, don't you know what I have to do by Friday?" "There's a lot of fish to catch and fry!"

The bottom line: Here's the deal. I need to give my week up to God. I need to allow Him to speak to my heart and trust that He'll give me what I need for the week. Lord, give me the strength, the wisdom and knowledge to be an effective witness for You today.

No Worries!

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own." -Matthew 6:34

I think this applies to four day work weeks as well.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Search For Significance

How many times have you prayed and asked God for significance in your life? "Am I really making a difference or am I just a blip on a huge blue ball called earth?" There are several moments in my life that have had that sobering realization that I am still on the planet for a reason. The first moment was when I was three. I had a rare blood disease and unless God intervened and healed me I would not be here today. Long story short, a woman of God who my mom and dad were friends with came into my hospital room and laid her hands on my head and prayed and asked God to heal me. Her name was Claire Matthias. Through this lady, God's healing power touched my body and I was healed. The doctors were amazed and called it a miracle. Fast Forward (I fast forward and rewind a lot in my blogs for some reason.) to when I was six, and I contracted the disease again! As you can imagine my mom and dad where devastated. But, God was faithful again. One more time, people came to our house and prayed for me and I was healed.

Not once, but twice my life was headed for a premature end but God showed Himself strong and healed me. Whenever I am having doubts I can recount the stories because they've been told many times over in our family. Are you recounting your story? If you look back, I can guarantee that maybe God didn't have to save you from a life threatening disease, but you can see God's hand in your life. There is purpose for you to be on this planet!

Monday, October 06, 2008

The One Thing

Here I am, and it's a beautiful Monday morning. After the morning meetings I got on my motorcycle to ride back to the office I realized how blessed we are to be a part of where God is at work. It's the "One Thing" that we were created for. It's the thing that keeps me up dreaming about how to do it the best that I can. I realized that God's hand is on my life. I sense His presence at the beginning of the day. I realize that I am fulfilling God's will for my life here in the place that God has me.

This morning at the Daily Grind, I read a scripture in 2 Corinthians that really says it all. 2 Cor. 4:7 says, "But we have this treasure (the One Thing) in jars of clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us. Thanks God for the treasure! Thank you that you use us even in our broken state. We are leaking and cracked but you use us to carry your treasure. Everything that we do and everything that we are is because of your power not ours. This passage goes on to say that we are pressed but not crushed, persecuted not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed. In everyday terms, we will have problems. Everything is not perfect. We make mistakes! But God is there, using us and making our lives significant each day through His son Jesus Christ.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Light that Shines the Farthest...Shines the Brightest at Home...

We had an awesome week last week celebrating a multi-church effort to celebrate Jesus Christ through "See Ya At the Pole". I marveled at the prayers that were lifted up. (see blog below about syatp!) I love it when God says do something bigger than yourself! Several area churches in the Stafford area came together to do something special and I believe that there will be profound affect felt throughout the year because of that event.

I came into work yesterday and I guess October 1st is Missionary update day! I got three updates from my contacts in Southeast Asia and Western Africa and each one was chock full of God doing amazing things! As I was reading the one from my friends Drew and Sarah in Bali, Indonesia I saw this same concept of churches coming together happen on a much larger scale. 30,000 Indonesians got together in Bali's largest stadium for four days to hear the gospel message. Hindus, Muslims and Christians all joined together for this historic event! People brought the lame and sick and they were healed. My friends church had the priviledge of leading worship and documenting this by filming the event. It is a beautiful thing when God calls His Body together to do something amazing!

Last year I had the priviledge of going to Indonesia to serve the local church in a "Burn" for 24 hours. Continuous worship to bring down strongholds and to strengthen his church. Since then the Fire is burning and I was blessed to bring some of that home with me. The leaders of that trip had the priveledge of meeting with local church leaders and they wanted to know how to keep that fire burning even after we left. The Burn continues there and this outreach is just more evidence of God moving in Indonesia. Drew and Sarah continue to serve faithfully in a local church in Bali and they are seeing God's faithfulness each day.

May God continue to draw churches together to impact our world around us. The light that shines the farthest shines the brightest at home. May God's love invade your world today!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Impacting Our World
Wow, it's Wednesday and yes, this is my first blog of the week.

Have you ever really got a glimpse of how God is using you to reach people? Even ones that you'd least expect. Here's a great example.

Flashback to Sunday night. As the kids were playing a game in the auditorium, I was praying in the hallway before we started worship.

A guy came up behind me looking around like he was lost. I asked if I could help him and he said that he had teenage kids and wanted to check out the H20 Youth Meeting. I told him that he was in the right place. And, I'll be honest I prayed another little prayer that youth group would go smoothly! I'm always a little self conscious when I have parents in the meeting!

He and I walked through the doors into the auditorium and there was music playing and lights going during a wild and crazy game called "tick tick boom". The guy proceeded to the back of the auditorium and found a seat. The game finished up and I got up to do announcements and to pray before we started worship. As worship started and the band started playing and the lights went down, I sensed this was going to be a great night. Instantly everyone got out of their seats and entered into worship. During one of the songs, a youth leader got up with a word and the kids responded. Leaders were praying for kids and God encouraged all of us that night. Even more than we realized.

We finished worship and went into the message and then got in our small groups. As we were transitioning into small groups the guy sitting in the back handed me a note and thanked me for letting him be a part of the service.

I read the note as the kids were getting into their small groups and it went like this. "I've been looking for a church with youth on fire for the Lord. I was only going to pop in for 10 minutes but I couldn't leave. The youth during worship so blessed me. It was incredible. God was definitely in this place tonight. The kids here are building treasure in heaven and blessing people even when they don't know it." As I looked up from the note the man was just walking out of auditorium and I thanked God that his life was changed by what he experienced at H20.

The thing that stuck in my mind was the fact that he said, "the kids were blessing people even when they don't know it." When we are honoring God and worshiping Him, it changes a place and those in that place are profoundly affected. Here was a casual observer. Someone who was checking out the youth group for his teenage kids and God showed up and totally blesses him.

Without realizing it we are all having an impact on the others that are around. We are leaving a legacy wherever we go. What is the legacy that you are leaving?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Coincidence or Answered Prayer?

Tuesday I was riding my Yamaha R6 motorcycle to my house after a long day at the office and as I was riding home a small piece of the bike had come loose and fallen off. It was just a cosmetic piece but it was missing and I was upset. That afternoon I looked for it but couldn't find it anywhere on the road where I had driven.

Fast forward to yesterday. I was in traffic coming home from work and I found myself praying a simple prayer. God, you know our budget, you know I don't want to spend money for a cosmetic piece for my bike. Could you just show me where that piece is that fell off on Tuesday so I don't have to buy a new one? The traffic started getting heavy as inched toward an intersection we stopped. I looked up after praying and right there on the side of the road was the part that fell off the bike! I put my hazard lights on and ran over and picked it up and got back in the car and drove home! The first thing I did was thank God for this!

Was that just a cosmic coincidence where all the stars lined up and the moon's gravitational pull led me to that spot, or was it God answering a simple prayer lifted up by one of his children and the Father said, "There it is!" I choose the latter.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

see ya at the pole

I was up before the sun came up. Why? Because Maggie and I had a mission. We were on a mission from God. First stop 7AM @ North Stafford HS. We got there and they were just finishing up a few songs of worship and then the student leaders of FCA got together and shared from I Samuel Chapter 3 where God spoke to Samuel for the first time. Powerful scripture and I believe a lot of kids that morning who had never even thought that God could speak to them realized that He had in the past and He wants to now! Amazing. Afterward we got together in small groups and started praying. There were around 100 kids that morning all lifting up prayers for their fellow students, teachers and administration. They dedicated this school for God. Magster even lifted her voice to the heavens as she prayed for that school!

After that our mission was to head to AG Wright Middle School where Maggie attends as an 8th grader. At first it was a mom and her daughter and Mags and I. We eventually had a few more students that trickled in as the prayer time went on. The school nurse showed up and that was awesome. When two or more are gathered in Jesus name he's there also.

As I walked slowly back to my car taking it all in I realized that numbers didn't matter. The same God that was in our midst at North Stafford and the 100 or so kids there was the same God that was in our midst at our little gathering at AG Wright. Sure the big crowd at the High School was more of a spectacle but those few parents and sons and daughters had a moment with God that was just as real and just as tangible.

It was a great day as kids all across the United States lifted up the standard around their flagpoles letting the world know that they are here and are praying and making a difference in their classrooms.

Wherever you find yourself, my prayer for you today is that you'll be that light that shines bright!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


This week I've been working on a song by Michael Gungor called "Ancient Skies" which gives an amazing description of God's character. His love for us is endless, and his mercy toward us never changes. What is our response to something that amazing and incredible? In the song the response is a single word. A word that is Hebrew in origin for praise. Simply, Hallelujah. It's a spontaneous expression of joy that comes from are innermost being. I think praise comes from knowing God. The more we know God and understand His love for us, something wells up within us that expresses the praise that He deserves. Take some time today to thank God and sing Hallelujah.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Super Tuesday

Today has been a really great day. There are things that I have been able to cross off my to do list which is always satisfying and I have been in meetings and phone calls that have really pumped me up for the '08-'09 school year. I've been brainstorming for our Pre-SeeYaAtThePole rally next week. I believe that God has some amazing things that He wants to accomplish through SYATP this year. If He's there when two or three are gathered in His name just imagine what can happen when thousands of kids all across the country humble themselves and pray. I believe that if this generation will pray that God will truly heal our land as scripture says.

Tonight we are starting a new book in our guys small group called "Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis. I am so looking forward to diving into this book again. I read it when I was in college and unfortunately it has sat on my shelf way too long! I'm off to prepare for this weekend's h20 meeting. Talk to you tomorrow!

Monday, September 15, 2008

monday morning quarterback:

As I look back and think of how much stuff we did in the last 36 hours I am amazed that we are still standing. Friday afternoon was an H20 time with leadership guys. I took Zach to his football practice on the other side of town. Saturday morning was Zach's football game then it was off to Justin's football game. Both won their games! I'm so proud of my guys! Then, I went and mowed and weed wacked the yard and then it was off to a party at Ryan's to celebrate his birthday. We got home at 11pm went to bed and then I headed off to church @ 6:45am and then lead worship at both the 9 and the 11am services. Then we had take down and by the time I was done locking up it was time to go to the picnic which included a Volleyball tourney (we made to the semi-finals but Missy's team won again for the 2nd year in a row! Way to go Little Red!) And then after we cleaned up from the picnic we played a quick round of Ultimate Frisbee. We got home at 6:00pm and I watched a few minutes of the afternoon NFL games and then collapsed into bed. I know that this is a rambling run on paragraph but it gives the feel of what this weekend was like! Have a great week everyone!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

About the Father's Business

Today I came into the office and I was the first one here. After checking my fantasy football scores this week and after I read over the news of the day, I try and get alone with God for a few moments. I love that time before everyone arrives. It's quiet and there are no distractions. I put the coffee on and set up my laptop and started reading Oswald Chambers' My Utmost for His Highest which always challenges me and then looked up the scripture references and even looked up a couple of concordances on the highlighted verse of the day. Yeah, I was feeling pretty good about myself. But there was something missing.

I was reading "about" God and I was getting nuggets to apply to my life but was I really taking the time to hear from God? So many times I do my devos and read a chapter or two and pray a quick prayer and then everyone else starts arriving and I don't get to that spending time in His presence like I should. If we are truly to be about our Father's business it would be good to get to know the Father's business! Jesus was a consultant of sorts. He was constantly consulting the Father about everything. I need to spend a few moments each day looking at His agenda and seeing what matters to Him.

I am just an apprentice. I'm spending as much time as I can getting to know and understand the business. God wants us to be about His business each day. Today, our we listening to His voice?

Blog done. Well not completely. Pastor Jim is challenging me to blog on a daily basis so I am going to start blogging Monday through Fridays. As Jim has challenged his readers, let me know if I haven't kept up! The experiment starts today.

*can't wait for the church picnic! I was recruited for the v-ball tournament. I feel special!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Writing Your Story

At H20 we've been doing a series on how your choices now determine your legacy now and later. First of all we realized that everyone has a legacy and are living it right here and now. Last week we talked about how if we leave God out of the mix as we write our story that it leads to faultering.

This week we are going to talk about how the rest of your story is yet to be written. How your story ends is still unwritten. British Singer Natasha Bedingfield has a single called "Unwritten". In the song she talks about how her life story is not complete yet, how the ending is still unplanned. The refrain that sticks in your mind when you listen to this song is "Today is where your book begins; the rest is still unwritten."

As I pondered this in my own life I realized how important it is to take the time to write your story. Don't just let life happen and react to it. Be purposeful in everything that you do. Be active and seek God's face for your life. Realize that your story has an impact on not only your own life but the life of others.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The "things" of this World

I don't realize how caught up I get in things until I go on vacation. We hadn't even been in the Outer Banks a couple of hours and I was already thinking about the things I'd just left behind. I was sweating details that were actually out of my control and not able to handle from 4 1/2 hours south of Stafford, VA. I was calling H20 kids up and making sure details were covered. Funny thing was I had already covered all that before I left to go on vacation. Finally my trusty friend and colleague, Pastor Jim told me to just let it go. In my mind I argued back, "no!"

Fast forward to Tuesday afternoon and I realized it's taken me 36 hours to finally realize that I am starting to relax and letting go of things. As I was doing my devo's this morning, while watching the sun come up over the ocean, I read a verse that helped me understand and accept the peace that God can give. In John 16 it says He's with us. Even though He's gone in the flesh He is with us, through his Holy Spirit. His Spirit is our peace, and our wisdom and our joy. Today as I leave my todo list for four more days, and contemplate the loss of a dear friend, I choose to receive His Peace that comes to us when we ask for it.

Receive His Peace Today no matter what the circumstances are.


"the sometimes uptight pastor"


John 16:33
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wacky Wednesday Ends in Sleepy Thursday!

Today it's Thursday morning and I really need to get some sleep. We are having an overnight with our Sr. high kids. Missy is over at the Scott's with the girls and I'm over here at my house with Josiah, Cory and Don and a bunch of xbox 360 gamers going strong @ 3:25am. Scott Simmons wimped out on me and went home early. Thanks, bro! Scott and his wonderful wife Robin have been helping out with us since last spring and just found out that there is a job opportunity that takes them to Oklahoma and they are leaving at the end of the month! It came as a shock and H20 and Missy and I will truly miss this fantastic couple. May God truly bless them because truly they have been such a blessing to us.

Earlier tonight we played some serious ultimate Frisbee. Pastor Rich played with us and showed his athletic skills! Gregg Tomlinson and I both went for the disc at the same time and I think he won! I had the disc and then I felt this "wack!" and then I was picking my self up off the turf! Needless to say we have some old dudes who still know how to mix it up on the field. We had a blast!

I'm tired and I'm out. Here's a video of our amazing camp that H20 was a part of this summer. Thanks to everyone who helped make H20 Youth Ministries summer session awesome!

cool video

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Today is my son Zachary's birthday and I have to confess that with the busyness of youth ministry and worship that I almost forgot that today is his day, if it wasn't for him telling me two hundred times yesterday and then running into our room this morning and yelling at the top of his lungs, "Dad, it's my birthday!!!"

Zach is a special guy and I've never met anyone who has the drive and determination he does. I'm amazed at his zeal for life and how he can walk into a room and people are taken in by his charm and cuteness. That can be a strength or a weakness as he gets older! I love that kid!

We had an awesome time at H20's Messiah Camp. This year had to be one of the most amazing camps we've ever had. Our "Big Idea" this year was understanding the "Father's Heart". We had over one hundred kids and I would venture to say everyone was blessed big time. The facility and the camp staff was top notch and our kids were deeply touched by the messages and the worship that took place over the course of the five days we were there.

We are planning on going back next year and we will be expanding our camp as I believe that our youth ministry will probably double by this time next year. God's blessing has truly been on this ministry and we feel that God has brought the right H20 staffers to bring this ministry to a new level. I can't wait to see how God works this fall! There's a foundation that is being laid and this camp is like a launching pad for us as we do ministry this fall.

May God truly bless you all this week and as I recover from camp and actually turning 45 the last day of camp, I truly pray that God gives you rest in the middle of an incredible summer.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer Time Fun

Summer time is the busiest time of year for Missy and I. In addition to regular youth group meetings and bible studies we do a mid week activity with the youth on Wednesdays. Next week we put all that on hold for our annual Summer Camp which will be held at a place called Watermarks Camp in Scottsville, VA. It's about 2 1/4 hours away. After that I'm going on Vacation with my family to the outer banks for six days. Then we regroup and ramp up for our Fall kick off and we are off and running during the 08/09 school year.

This is such a crucial time and we are really building momentum for the Fall. I know that God's doing some really cool stuff in people's lives. We have 55 kids from our church and that's not including the adult counselors that have volunteered their time to go and spend time with these kids. Please pray for us as we make last minute preparations this week. We'll be gone at camp from July 27-August 1. The theme this year is the Father's Heart. Pray that God establishes a strong relationship with each of the campers and that the roots of this relationship will grow deep, rooted in His love.


Monday, July 14, 2008

Be Still And Know That I am God

Today I realize that there are only so many hours in a day and only so many days in a week and only so many weeks in a month. My to do list grows by the minute and it looks like there will be some carry over from the previous week too!

How do we handle these things without being overwhelmed?! Help! This morning during my devo time I remembered a song by the Newsboys called "Be Still" The song's overall theme is "Be still and know that I am God." It's such a simple phrase. Jay's Message echoed in my brain about pausing and taking a moment to catch our breath. Be Still.

It is 12:42PM on a Monday afternoon and after some morning meetings I'm overwhelmed at all I need to do before I leave for a couple of days of camping with my family in the latter part of the week. The words keep echoing, "Be still and know that I am God." Take time today even at your busies, to observe a moment with your creator, savior, friend...

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Making Time for Family

Today we didn't go anywhere. We grilled out back and had a great meal. We watched movies and hung out and played catch. It was a very relaxing day. We had thought about visiting some area get togethers, or maybe go downtown (D.C.) but in the end we lit off a few fireworks and watched our neighbors fireworks shows and then walked back in the house and went in the hot tub.

We realized how awesome it was that we didn't have to fight traffic. The kids are just as happy as if we had taken them to see the million dollar firework display but were even happier to play with their glow in the dark bracelets and sparklers and run up and down our street. I thought for sure there'd be backlash and whining at not getting to go anywhere. In the end I realized that it just doesn't matter where we are as long as we are together. You can make memories right here and it's just as memorable as those vacations we all save for and then they are just a vapor in our minds by the next year.

All this to say that I am grateful for what God has given us as a family. We are blessed so much to be here in Stafford, and serving God in such an amazing Country. God bless America. The light that shines the farthest shines the brightest at home. May God's light continue to shine bright as His Spirit burns brightly. May His Freedom Reign over this country.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

message not received

Lately I've been having some trouble with my email. I tried sending a group email to everyone on my worship team and for some reason it didn't send to my keyboard player or my sound guy. It says that it's sent but he tells me "message not received". What a crazy predicament! So now I'm thinking that maybe I need to change mine but I have had this address for five years now and it would be a huge hassle to change the address.

Have you ever felt that God wasn't answering your prayers? You get in your prayer closet but yet you feel like you're talking to the four walls. I have felt that way sometimes. In my case it's mostly because I'm not quieting myself and spend enough time to hear Him. I jump into my prayer room and spout off my requests and then it's on to the next item on my to do list. Like any relationship, your relationship with God needs "quality time" . My most effective times that I spend with Him are usually when I have my guitar and I'm giving Him an offering of worship before anything else. I then spend time thanking Him for all the things He's done. It's amazing how thankfulness is like a key that opens the door into His presence.

One thing to note here. There is no set formula with the exception that if you want to hear his voice you need to spend time with Him. He's waiting and always there for you.

Now, if I could just get my email fixed!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day! This weekend was one of the busiest weekends that I've experienced in a while. On Saturday Missy and I attended three graduation get together's, went to a baseball game in Baltimore and then the Youth Group led the service on Sunday morning with dramas and worship. After that my family chilled at King's Dominion and we capped the weekend by going out to eat. By the time I got home I was so tired I couldn't sleep?! Have you ever had that happen!? Crazy. I hit the bedroom and laid down. Missy was fast asleep in two minutes and the next thing I know I'm wide awake.

So, I went downstairs and turned on the rest of the Laker/Celtic game and watched the Lakers hold on to a win. I have a busy week ahead of me. We have Middle School and High School services to plan and I'm leading worship this weekend as well. Not to mention the need to prepare for our summer schedule which is chock full of awesome amazing activities such as King's Fest and our Summer Camp.

God's in control. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Let Him strengthen you this week. May the power of the Holy Spirit give you the strength to do what He's called you to do!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

floating away on a saturday night

This past weekend was one to remember. A severe thunderstorm came through our area with lot's of lightening and hail and wind. During the storm the electricity went out so we all gathered in the cool part of the house down in the basement. We had candles lit and we were all sprawled over the couches and chairs trying to sleep when I happened to take the flashlight and look at the sump pump. Water was pouring out of it and the water was rushing to overtake that room and the other rooms in the basement. There was nothing we could do. The water was coming in too fast to be able to stop it. The pump won't work unless there is electricity to make it pump! A cleanup crew came in the next day and ripped out all of the carpet and treated the floor for mold. Right now we have ten "force nine" fans (force nine stands for really powerful loud fans) and two dehumidifiers. It sounds like a hurricane and we have to have them running for four or five days until the basement gets dried out.

Here's the thing that sticks in my mind as we continue this cleanup operation. We had the right equipment to keep water out of our basement but because we had no electricity we had no power to generate the pump. In our walk with God we need to be connected to him in order to be effective in the world that we live in. Get connected, be effective today...

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Way Things Are

Yes, I know! It's June and I haven't blogged yet! So, here it goes. We've been really overwhelmed in my house with all of the school activities and sporting events. I feel like I haven't seen my wife Missy other than to kiss her goodnight or to say goodbye to her in the morning! Can you say, "We need a vacation!"

This morning, if you've been reading my twitter you'll know, I am stressed. I think this is God's way of getting me to focus on Him and to remind me that I'm not in control, He is. It's no wonder that in my devotional this morning (My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers) really challenged me to proclaim, "The Lord is my helper, I will not fear" Hebrews 13:5-6 Chamber's says it so well, "I will not be obsessed with apprehension". (

Man, I can get worked up over the silliest things! And it's primarily because I don't consider God first. I consider my own feelings and agenda and that's when I get bent out of shape!

This doesn't mean that I won't get cranky when things don't go my way, and when I'm overwhelmed by that to do list! What it does mean is this. I need to be meditating on His word so when I get in that mode of being tempted to fear that I remember how the Bible addresses this issue! All I know is that in my old age I learn that I am not my own. I am His. I am Yours, God!

No matter what circumstances that we find ourselves in that God will NEVER leave us or forsake us. This is our God that we serve!


Thursday, May 22, 2008

What a day. The winning ways of the Rogers' kids were dashed this afternoon. Maggie got her first start on the A team and even though she stopped a few balls in the infield and got a hit past first base the team lost. Zach played in his soccer game later this evening and they lost by one goal. They are a bit rusty after being off so much because of the rainy weather we've been having lately. At least they got to get out in the sunshine and run around. The grandparents came down to watch and were very proud of them.

In the meantime we have a busy weekend planned. Missy is heading up an H2O crew to get our Senior gifts together. Each year we put together collages for each of our seniors. They are very descriptive and they take hours and hours to get them ready because of all the pictures and letters are each cut out and carefully put together. It's a great tradition and it's something that they can take with them when they go away to school and put up in their rooms to remember H20.

Tonight we had worship practice and it went well. We have a very ecclectic set that is full of a different style and sound. I was very happy that even though it was something different we pulled it together and Sunday is going to be awesome.

And of course memorial day means Pennington picnic time where the badminton championship is up for grabs again. We are hoping to give it a go! Also, we are hoping to get in a game of volleyball too. If they'll give up the badminton court after the tourney.

God's up to some great stuff this weekend at Horizons so if you are in town be sure and stop by Colonial Forge HS @ 9 or 11am. Two services, two times to get your worship on!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

We Are Hungry

Is there a hunger for God in your life? Webster's tells us that hunger is our weakened condition caused by the lack of food. If that's true then a spiritual hunger means that we are in a weakened spiritual condition caused by the lack of God in our lives. What's the solution? If you are hungry you may need to go grab a meal and eat! If you are spiritually hungry you need more of God. Plain and simple.

Some of us may be thinking that's great and all but how do I go about that? How do I satisfy that spiritual hunger? A few months back in a time when a lot of folks in our church were feeling spiritually dry, we had an "Experiencing Worship Project" night and the theme of that night was coming to the table. Many times I think about going to the "table" spiritually and I think, "man, I am not worthy to be sitting here." I know what God's word says about forgiveness but I still carry a tremendous amount of guilt with me to that table and sometimes it keeps me from being served.

First of all recognize we are hungry and stand up and head towards the table. The food is there but God's not going to bring you a doggy bag, he wants you to come sit with him and dine with him. What do you need to do before you go to a meal. Wash your hands. We should wash our hands spiritually too. Ask God to speak to your heart and come to Him humbly and ask to bring to light the things you need to repent of before you can enter into His presence.

Once you get there what happens? What goes on at a dinner table? In my house it's saying a prayer of thanksgiving. We thank God for what he's given us. That should only be the beginning. There's conversation that happens. It's the first time in the day for a dad to speak to his kids and see how they are doing. Spend time with God. Let Him know how your day was. I know when I was growing up we knew when someone at the table had a bad day and we talked about it. We offered advice and many times my dad would have a story that would speak to the situation. At God's table we need to listen up after we let him know how our day was and ask him to speak into our lives.

When God speaks, think meditate and "chew" on what He's spoken to you. The table is a place to come to get filled up. Ask God to fill you with good things!

We are hungry and we need to keep coming to the table and getting filled each day in order to be spiritually healthy. Have you come to the table today?

Just ask Him today, He will fill you!

Monday, May 05, 2008

This week I'm going to be introducing a song Sunday morning called "Giving It All To You" It's a simple song about giving God our all and our desperate cry asking Him to be in our life. The more I listened to this song the more I realized the depth of this song. One line talks about how "just one drop" fills us. When Jesus said, blessed are the poor in spirit I believe it's the realization that we all are and we desperately need a "drop" from the Holy Spirit.

This song was written by Michael Gungor and it came to him after he had a conversation with guy at a homeless shelter that had been on the street for years. He met this lady that he ended up marrying her. She took him to church and He turned his life around and gave himself to the Lord. It inspired Michael to ask him what would someone who is homeless want to sing to God. Just a drop from him, and we are filled. Such a powerful line. Just one drop. Every drop is precious. It just shows us that we all no matter whether we are homeless or have more than enough food and shelter we are all the same. We all are a part of the body of Christ. We all are desperate for God. We need His touch in our lives. If you are in a place that is desperate. If you are in a place that you don't know where to turn, cry out to Him, TODAY. Extend your hand toward him and receive that drop. It's more than enough!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Okay, let me "splain"! I was really tired one night while I was attending the WFX conference and I wanted to have some fun with the Mac laptop that I brought with me. There is this cool program called comic life that I started playing around with. This is my first time actually creating something so enjoy.

Click on the jpg image for a blog you won't soon forget

Monday, April 28, 2008

This morning I woke up early so I could get a start on the day. I am going out of town to Indianapolis. It should be a great trip because I get to hang out with our Horizons Pastoral team. Although I'd rather have been in Myrtle Beach, SC (inside joke) I know that this is going to be a great time getting info. on cool stuff for the new church building.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Grab the Rope!

I just met with a friend of mine at Starbucks today and he is with a church plant that meets in Alexandria, VA. He's a new youth pastor and is like a sponge soaking up everyone's advice. It's funny. As he's asking me a zillion different questions I really started thinking about how we are all on this journey together.

If you can imagine for a moment being on a mountain expedition and you are on a particularly vertically challenging pass. Each of the team members are hooked together linked with a rope taking one step at a time. You are putting your feet in the exact same footholds as the person that is just above you and the person below is doing the same. If someone slips and falls all those above are digging in and holding that person's life in the balance and can pull him to safety.

In our lives we should have people in our lives that have gone before us that have the rope and are holding it steady and giving you advice about how to be a disciple. You should also have others that are struggling and working alongside you would call your peers. You also should have those that aren't as far along as you in the faith that you can lower your rope to so that they can have a safety line. No matter where you are in the journey everyone has that common goal of having that prize before us. Life is not meant to be lived alone. We all need a helping hand. Who's on your rope?

Monday, April 07, 2008

Random Thoughts

It's Monday night and I'm sitting in the comfort of my own home watching the NCAA Men's final on my big screen. All of the kids have left from H2O' Music Team Practice. My kids just got tucked into bed and finally the noise of the house has quieted down to a dull roar.

Missy and I look at each other and chat for a few minutes. We are tired. I always wondered why my parents looked old to me and now I realize that they were just tired, like I am now.

Missy walked upstairs and I am alone watching an amazing overtime comeback. What a game! But I'm sitting there by myself suppressing my yelps because everyone else is asleep.

After the game was over and the TV faded to black I realized something. Whether you are experiencing incredible highs like those kids who won that B-ball game or incredible lows, if you don't have people surrounding you to share in the joy and the pain you have nothing.

We have built in by God's design a desire to be with other people. Some more than others, for sure. Philippians 2 talks about how we should put others before ourselves. It's my desire to be Christ-like because not only do you have a positive effect on others, but it does something to you as well. Share a moment with someone today. Give a word of encouragement. If one of us celebrating a win, we all celebrate with them, and if someone is mourning the loss of a friend mourn with them. It's the way Jesus intended us to be. How do we start? How do we make this a reality? Ask the Holy Spirit for those moments.

Be Jesus for someone today.

Mind you, this all came to me at 11:30 at night and I hope it makes some sense. Have a great week.

Leaving No One Behind...

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Where do we learn how to love?

As the coffee was brewing my thoughts drifted toward a person that taught me how to love. My dad was a government man at Defense Intelligence Agency for 35 years. Monday through Friday he'd wake up, work out, spend time with God all before 4:30AM. He'd grab some breakfast head off to work and then he'd do his best to get home in the afternoon when we were all home and spend some time with us. Even though he got up before dark he was the one taking me for drives when I had an asthma attack in the middle of the night. He coached baseball, helped us out with school projects and made a huge effort to be in our lives even in the midst of his very busy career. My dad wasn't perfect but he made every effort to show us how much he loved my brother and I. He did so by honoring my mom and he did so by showing us what love is. He put her before my brother and I constantly and reminded us that she came first. The thing I remember about my dad growing up was that when he made a commitment, he kept that commitment. Each year he was sure that we did a family vacation, and would take weekend trips with us.

It almost sounds like a fairy tale. Why do I say that? Because these days you don't hear about Fathers who think that way. How did my dad learn to love like this? His family split up when he was very young and he never really had a father figure in his life. When I turned 18 my dad sat me down and told me that he did the best he could with me. He told me He prayed for wisdom everyday when it came to raising us. "There it is!" I thought. It says in God's word that if we need wisdom to ask for it. My dad, who didn't have that role model around prayed and God spoke to him. What an amazing testimony of one man's faith in a living God who is the ultimate Father figure!

I find myself comparing myself to my dad because he put up a very high measuring stick for success. Many times I don't feel like I measure up to my dad's standard that he raised. I know that I am to do the best that I can. I want my kids to one day blog about me. About how I made them feel uncomfortable and made them say, "ewww! dad's kissing mom again!" And when they asked me to go outside and play ball with them that I dropped what I was doing to spend a moment in time with them. I want to leave a legacy with them to teach them what it means to be a dad.

Thanks, dad for the legacy you left me. Thanks heavenly father for the wisdom that we can have if we would only ask you for it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Undo Button

Don't you wish you had an "undo" button for your life? The undo button when I'm editing is invaluable. There have been times in my life, very embarrassing moments that I wish I could have just hit the "undo" button. Being a musician and performing in front of large numbers of people is a recipe for something funny to happen. There are the string breaking incidents that keep reoccurring whenever I play guitar on Sunday mornings. My "undo" button in that case is the back up guitar. My fellow worship team members are calling me "iron claw" because of this habit I have of breaking a string.

It all started back in 7th grade. (don't you love it when a story begins this way?) I was in band and we had a concert that had 300 people in attendance. I don't know why but my band director thought it was important for us to know that right before we went on stage. Talk about being nervous! Anyhow, a fellow percussionist had a part to play and hit the crash cymbals. After he was done he put them on a chair that had a slight incline. During the rest of the song the cymbals started inching their way down the chair and in a particularly quiet part of the song the cymbals fell off the chair and hit the floor with a mighty crash. I was standing right beside the chair and every eye was on me. All the members of the band, the band director, and every person in the audience. The guy who stuck the cymbals on the chair even looked at me like it was my fault! Now the story doesn't end there. A few days later I was on a middle school retreat with my church and when I got to the camp there were several other churches we were participating with. I stepped off the bus and there was a cute little flute player that was in our band. I went up trying to be cool and said "hello" and she smiled and said "hi" back, but as I was walking away I overheard her say to her friend next to her, "yeah, he's the one who knocked the cymbals over in the concert! After what seemed like an eternity the laughter died down and I was thoroughly embarrassed. I don't remember much more about that weekend but I do remember that at that moment I wanted to be anywhere but there!

There are times in our lives that we have been embarrassed by our actions and maybe we were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. We've done things that we wish could "undo". Well, there's good news. We do have an undo button in our lives. It's wrapped up in two steps. Repentance & Forgiveness. Now it might not be the undo button that would completely erase any consequences of an action but what it can do is give you the knowledge that you are truly forgiven. God's grace is enough. This week Pastor Rich is going to be talking about Grace. Look for songs within the service that point toward that Grace that only Jesus can give. Have a great week and know that He is the answer to our every need!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I've been talking to a lot of kids lately that wonder who they are. Many are searching and trying to answer that question through experiences or following their heart. In a building when you are looking to find out something about the inner workings such as electrical wiring, or plumbing you go back to the blueprint to find out where things are located. If we are asking questions about ourselves we need to go back to the beginning, to the one that has the original blueprints. The Bible says in Psalms 139:13 that God created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. David praised God because he was fearfully and wonderfully made. He even goes on to say that all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. God is our master designer and His Word is the blueprint by which we should live our lives.

Oswald Chambers in his devotional "My Utmost for His Highest" says that "Joy comes from seeing the complete fulfillment of the specific purpose for which I was created and born again, not from successfully doing something of my own choosing." I want that kind of joy and fulfillment. A tool is most useful if it is used for what it was created for. In the same way unless we are used for what we were created for we will not be fulfilled. God has a plan for your life. Pray and ask today for Him to reveal to you what that plan is.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hi Everyone! Yes, I'm back after being out of action with this flu thing that has been going around. Even though I was sick for so long a lot of things have transpired since I've last updated this blog. H2O, which is our youth ministry at Horizons Church has been busy. Last Saturday we sold Krispy Kreme donuts at the Fredericksburg and Stafford Wal Mart locations. We made over $800.00 and that put us over $3000.00 that we needed to build a well in Rwanda so that they might have clean water to drink. It was cold and after about an hour we wanted to just go home. But, after a while the kids started selling those donuts like it was going out of style! Way to go H2O!

This past weekend our Sr. High Group went to Liberty Mountain in Pennsylvania. So many of our kids got to connect with each other. A lot of kids come to youth group on Sunday nights but never have made any real friendship connections. I think that this weekend was a great time to fellowship and get to know one another better.

A few months ago, we went to a two day conference called Dare2Share. We were all challenged to really live out our faith and share Jesus with those we are in contact with. Part of the conference was to obtain a map of a neighborhood and go door to door and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't know about you but that scares me to death, but after realizing that people are literally dying without the knowledge of the truth helped all of us overcome our fear. With a simple outline that gives kids confidence to tell people about Christ the GOSPEL message can be given to anyone, anywhere. Since then, God has really given a lot of our kids the burden to tell others about Jesus. My prayer for our kids is that they realize that "none live for ourselves" but live out our lives for Jesus with 110% intensity! God gave His all and we can do no less.



Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Okay, I'm sick. It's no fun. I'll be back soon...

Thursday, January 31, 2008

This morning I was dreaming. I dreamt that I was on my way to a destination of a tropical sort. A warm destination with sand and waves and my surfboard. When I woke up I had a strong desire to call and cash in my sky miles to find a place to retreat. You know that commercial that says, "Wanna get away?" That was me!

What is it within us that wants to get away? What is it that causes us to want to retreat when the going gets tough, or life gets monotonous? What are the ingredients that can help us persevere through such times? Sometimes we feel that we deserve a break today and don't get me wrong, vacations and breaks are good, but it's what goes on here when it seems like there is no relief in sight that is significant.

In Hebrews 12:1 it says, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."

Knowing that there are literally hundreds and thousands surrounding me and cheering me on in the heavens helps me stay on track and to be true to what God is requiring of me. Knowing that others that have gone before me in the Faith are watching and encouraging me makes me dig deep and find the strength to carry on.

In whom do you put your trust? In whom do you put your faith in? Jesus Christ. Follow Him.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Ghandi once said, "I love your Christ, I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ."

Why does that statement sting when I read it this morning? Maybe because there's some truth to it. I am constantly reminded that we need to be striving to be Christ like. It goes against our nature be like Him.
What's the remedy? What's a way we can prove Ghandi wrong! Stay close to God. How do we get close to God? David asked this in Psalm 15. What was God's response? He who does what is righteous, who speaks truth, doesn't do his neighbor wrong, honors God, and he who keeps his word even when it hurts! What can we do? How do we make it happen? Get close to God. Start living what we know is right. God honors that. He shows up, and he shows Himself strong in amazing ways. We have opportunities every day. Go for it!

1 LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary?
Who may live on your holy hill?

2 He whose walk is blameless
and who does what is righteous,
who speaks the truth from his heart

3 and has no slander on his tongue,
who does his neighbor no wrong
and casts no slur on his fellowman,

4 who despises a vile man
but honors those who fear the LORD,
who keeps his oath
even when it hurts,

5 who lends his money without usury
and does not accept a bribe against the innocent.
He who does these things
will never be shaken.

-Psalm 15

"Father, help us to be more Christlike. Help people to see you in our everyday lives. Help us to put our selfishness aside to lead others into relationship with you. Help us to have a heart for You the way David did."

Have a great day and know that God's light can shine through you today if you let Him.


Monday, January 14, 2008

So I'm in my office today and I'm sitting here, the sun is coming through the window and I'm squinting because it's so bright, but I like the warmth that comes from it so I endure the brightness. I love light. My dream house would be a house that has a huge vaulted ceiling with a wall of windows with a view of a body of water.

When you start looking at the streams of light you see everything. You can see specks of dust flying around the room. Although it's painful at first, being in the light is a good thing. When we allow God's light to envelop us we see things that were once hidden and we need to allow God to deal with them. It takes us walking in that light before we are able to see and deal with things.

There is a song by DC Talk called "In the Light" I love the pre-chorus and chorus of that song.

"So tell me) what's going on inside of me
I despise my own behavior
(This only) serves to confirm my suspicion
That I'm still a man in need of a savior

I wanna be in the light
as you are in the light
I wanna shine like the stars
in the Heavens
Oh, Lord be my light
and be my Salvation
'cause all I want is to be in the light"
"Dc Talk - In The Light Lyrics"

As I walk in the light I find that as things come to light it's a not a fun thing but every time it shows me that I need Jesus. I need Jesus in my life. I need Him now, and I need Him tomorrow and the day after that! I trust that God will bring to light those things that I need to deal with. Once he does, I simply repent and ask God to forgive me. There's a freedom that comes in that process. Where are you in that process? Open the window and allow His light to shine on you today.

Be in the Light!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Today is another sad day in the history of the Washington Redskins. My hero, Coach Joe Gibbs is stepping down as Head Coach. Just when things seemed to be turning around and the Redskins had a glimmer of hope because Gibbs was in the driver seat, the team will once more be a team that has to go through another major transition. Joe Gibbs is a man who lives by his convictions and is not afraid to be a stand up Christian. You will be missed, Joe...