Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Search For Significance

How many times have you prayed and asked God for significance in your life? "Am I really making a difference or am I just a blip on a huge blue ball called earth?" There are several moments in my life that have had that sobering realization that I am still on the planet for a reason. The first moment was when I was three. I had a rare blood disease and unless God intervened and healed me I would not be here today. Long story short, a woman of God who my mom and dad were friends with came into my hospital room and laid her hands on my head and prayed and asked God to heal me. Her name was Claire Matthias. Through this lady, God's healing power touched my body and I was healed. The doctors were amazed and called it a miracle. Fast Forward (I fast forward and rewind a lot in my blogs for some reason.) to when I was six, and I contracted the disease again! As you can imagine my mom and dad where devastated. But, God was faithful again. One more time, people came to our house and prayed for me and I was healed.

Not once, but twice my life was headed for a premature end but God showed Himself strong and healed me. Whenever I am having doubts I can recount the stories because they've been told many times over in our family. Are you recounting your story? If you look back, I can guarantee that maybe God didn't have to save you from a life threatening disease, but you can see God's hand in your life. There is purpose for you to be on this planet!

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