Friday, February 04, 2011

2011 (Part Two) I Want Change

How many times have you been at a graduation and the guest speaker says, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life"?  I am a former youth pastor and over the past twenty years I have probably been to over 50 graduations in that time.   I saw anchor men, civic leaders, presidential cabinet members come up to the stage and give their tidbits of wisdom to young and impressionable men and women who's lives really are just beginning.

There is something that happens to a young adult when he leaves the middle school/high school life.  You start to look at the world around you and wonder what you can do to make a difference.  You find out real quickly if this faith that has been passed down to you is real.  You either embrace the things that your parents and youth pastors and kid pastors have taught you growing up in church or you reject it.  You might even question your faith and explore  other religions.  But one things for sure.  You find that you are at a crossroads.  Do you embrace a real relationship with God even when mom and dad aren't there to encourage you in your faith?  Your relationship with God has to become your own.  It's a time where a parent has to hold their breath to see if their son or daughter that they have raised will embrace Christ or deny him. 

In 2011 I desire to speak into the lives of people who are seeking Christ.  I especially want to speak into the lives of young people that are making that transition from their parents faith to their own.  I want to introduce them to Jesus and want to invite them to come on a journey with other like minded believers that want change not only in their lives but the lives of those around them.  Then, I pray as they start to follow Him that they will seek God for their future.  That they will see that God has created them for specific purposes to be fulfilled in their lifetimes.  For many people the moment is now.  My heart aches for those that are wandering about trying to find the answer to their futures.  God is here, and God is waiting for us to be his vessels to speak into the lives of those around us.  The time is now to to be a change agent.  Ask God to help you to see people the way that He sees them.  Ask God to put a love in your heart to love people the way Jesus first loved you.  Stand up in 2011 and be a change agent for Christ. 

After Jesus died he rose again on the third day.  He then revealed himself to the 11 remaining disciples and left them with this command.  "Then he said, “Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all." (Mark 16:15 MSG).  Make a difference today.