Thursday, January 19, 2012

Last night as I was brainstorming for a message my daughter Maggie walked in the door from a Young Life meeting.  She was telling me about someone that came to the meeting who was totally fired up about Jesus.  It got Maggie fired up hanging out with this person.  The fire was catching! 

After Maggie ran off to the kitchen and grabbed some leftovers from dinner, I began thinking about my message I asked God, "Can you give me a pill that would make me fired up about you like that?"  God showed me that we are either in the race or not. If anyone has ever done cross country or ran long distance you know that the race is long and there are amazing times in a race where you are euphoric and excited and there are times where you are just trying to push through.  What can we do to get fired up?

1.  Engage!  Get in the race! 

2.  Be in fellowship with other believers that are encouraging you in your daily walk with God.  (Think of how    Maggie was fired up because she came in contact with someone who was fired up at the meeting!)

3.  Spend time with God.  (The kid that was fired up just came back from a retreat.)

4.  Share with others what God is revealing to you!

This weekend at Crossroads we are beginning a series called "Thrive Not Just Survive".  Come Sunday morning and get in the game!

-Pastor Andy

Thursday, January 12, 2012

God did some miraculous things in our midst during the Christmas season here at Crossroads.  We were so blessed to be able to share the Good News with many people that needed to know that there is Hope, and that God has not forgotten them and neither has the church.  

I can hardly believe that 2012 is here!  It seems like just yesterday our launch team was praying and fasting in my basement in North Stafford seeking God to see if it was His will to launch a new ministry.  I look back and marvel at how God put together a team that has stood by in good times and bad to see this church become a reality. God has blessed this ministry and we have seen God provide to get us to where we are.  My encouragement to you today is to pray that God will continue to provide resources so that we can make a big deal about Jesus this year.

We've had ten services and already we have seen God's hand in touching people's lives.  We answered the call to start a church and He provided for us a place to meet right in downtown Fredericksburg.  Thank you Jesus!  God was looking for a place that His Spirit can reside and His impact is already being felt in our neighborhood, the surrounding area and beyond!  Since October we have identified local and global missions to seed into financially.  I am most excited however for all those that have started attending Crossroads on a regular basis.  God is growing the church in a lot of different ways but mostly through the common bond we all share through Jesus Christ.  It is my heart that we continue to reach out to those who are in need so that they can see the salvation of the Lord.  Micah 6:8 says:
"...The LORD has told you what is good,and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." What is our mission at Crossroads?  To be an authentic community of Christ Followers.  We are sinners saved by God's grace and we are desiring to show people that the church can be real, relavant and relational.  Our desire is to provide a place for God's presence to reside and that we go for God with everything we have and bring as many people alongside us as possibile.  

Keep us in your prayers as we continue to answer the call that God has on our lives!