Monday, February 25, 2013

An Affair of the Heart Part III

Tomorrow is my four week mark since I had open heart surgery.  I wish I could tell everyone that I'm back to normal but I have another 8 weeks to go according to doctors before I can confess this.  Everyone now has returned to their normal routines.  Missy will go back to work this week and then I'm left alone to get well.  I'm on a variety of medications and the doctor's seem to think it's fun to play around with my dosages.  I started taking double what I normally took last Friday and my blood pressure went way up and my pain factor seemed to get more intense.  Maybe I'm trying to get back in the swing of things too soon.  I feel like I'm starting to feel better then I take two steps backward.  Today was one of those take two steps backward kind of days.  I did one task today and then I totally went back in bed and rested the rest of the day.  (don't you wish you could do that?)

I liken this to my spiritual walk.  I take my dosage of spending time with God and expect my life to take a turn for the better.  Instead I seem to move forward and then there's the feeling that I'm not making any progress spiritually at all.  So, how do I become heart healthy in my spiritual life?  I know that for my physical heart I have to be on a heart healthy diet which is low in sodium and like my physical heart my spiritual heart needs to be on a healthy diet.   I need to be in the word and not just say I did a quiet time and then start eating junk food the rest of the day.  I need to get some real "meat" in my diet and start to chew on it, think about it and apply it to my life and most importantly ask the Holy Spirit to fill me and speak to me and lead me.  Life change happens when I decide to allow God the reigns of my life and start to say "yes" to him.  I need to keep asking him for more, please!

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