Saturday, October 23, 2010


Today I was getting a message together that deals with knowing who God is. As I was preparing I thought of a song that seems to be ageless. It's a song by the Rolling Stones called Satisfaction.  Of course we all know the chorus, "I can't get no...satisfaction."  It's a catchy tune.  I heard it when I was a little kid and when I hear the first few notes from the lead guitar I know exactly what song it is.

Knowing God.  Who is He?  Is there a verse or a chorus of a song that makes you say, "That's who God is"? As my thoughts turned towards Him this morning I thought of a song.  A simple song with simple lyrics.  "There is no one like you.  No one like you.  No one like you, Jesus."  Just a few words but very meaningful.  If I believe the words of this song, then I should truly be satisfied.  Satisfaction comes from knowing Him.  So, if you aren't getting any satisfaction, then maybe you are looking for it in the wrong place.

There is a saying, "Know God, Know Peace, No God, No Peace.  Satisfied?"

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