Tuesday, March 02, 2010

What's Important

About a week ago, my dad encouraged me to start being more proactive in my kids spiritual life.  I was humbled by that.  I didn't say anything out loud but I was like, "Hey, I'm a pastor and I'm living a spiritual life as an example to my kids!"  I don't know if it was the Lord (Okay, yes it was!) or not but all of a sudden I started noticing little things about my kids.  Things that had been left unchecked and I had "put up with" as a parent.  It wasn't their fault.  I had gotten a little lax in my parenting.  Call it being tired at the end of the day and expecting Missy to "handle" some of those kinda things.  It happens to all of us. 

So, the Rogers' family is starting a new habit of reading a passage in God's Word and seeing how it applies to our lives.  I know, elementary, right?  But, how many of us have gotten out of the habit of being in His Word as a family?  I was kinda wondering whether or not whether my kids would see this as just a chore rather than a privilege.  I have to admit there was a rolling of the eyes at the beginning and at first they were just listening but then my High School daughter started observing literary devices that the author used in Proverbs. (yes!)  My middle school son sighted how Proverbs wisdom can be applied to everyday life.  My youngest son on finding out that we'd be reading the Bible at dinner brought his bright orange New Testament that a Gideon gave him at a Baccalaureate service last year and opened up to the passage I was reading.

So, I will check in a month when spring sports are in full swing to update how things are going! 

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