Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Summer Season has begun! In the midst of all the busyness of missions trips, summer camps and ice cream scooper nights God is speaking to me.

I've been reading a book called "The Vision, A Call To Discipleship" by Pete Grieg. The "Big Idea" of this book is to stir our hearts to live "dangerously, obsessively, and undeniably" for Jesus.

As I read this I saw pictures in my mind of H2O kids worshiping and ministering and not being ashamed of their "need" for God in their lives. I believe that we've been in a cleansing and healing time at H2O and that God is preparing us for a "launching" out into the world that we live. We are to be that group that calls Jesus their all in all and are not ashamed to tell others about them.

This year there is a call to fasting and praying on 07-07-07 and there will be a meeting of young people in Nashville on this date that are gathering to pray, fast and worship on behalf of this nation. As you go through your summer and relax and kick back don't relax your grip on your relationship with God. This is a time like no other for those that are off from school and don't have a lot going on during the summer to get away with God and spend inordinate amounts of time with him. Be jealous of your relationship with Him just as He's jealous for you!

"Follow Me" -Jesus

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