Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hi Everyone! Yes, I'm back after being out of action with this flu thing that has been going around. Even though I was sick for so long a lot of things have transpired since I've last updated this blog. H2O, which is our youth ministry at Horizons Church has been busy. Last Saturday we sold Krispy Kreme donuts at the Fredericksburg and Stafford Wal Mart locations. We made over $800.00 and that put us over $3000.00 that we needed to build a well in Rwanda so that they might have clean water to drink. It was cold and after about an hour we wanted to just go home. But, after a while the kids started selling those donuts like it was going out of style! Way to go H2O!

This past weekend our Sr. High Group went to Liberty Mountain in Pennsylvania. So many of our kids got to connect with each other. A lot of kids come to youth group on Sunday nights but never have made any real friendship connections. I think that this weekend was a great time to fellowship and get to know one another better.

A few months ago, we went to a two day conference called Dare2Share. We were all challenged to really live out our faith and share Jesus with those we are in contact with. Part of the conference was to obtain a map of a neighborhood and go door to door and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't know about you but that scares me to death, but after realizing that people are literally dying without the knowledge of the truth helped all of us overcome our fear. With a simple outline that gives kids confidence to tell people about Christ the GOSPEL message can be given to anyone, anywhere. Since then, God has really given a lot of our kids the burden to tell others about Jesus. My prayer for our kids is that they realize that "none live for ourselves" but live out our lives for Jesus with 110% intensity! God gave His all and we can do no less.



Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Okay, I'm sick. It's no fun. I'll be back soon...