Wednesday, September 19, 2007

"Just Being"

Last night was a typical night in the Rogers' House. I came home just in time to give Missy a peck on the cheek before an H2O student came by to work on a project. After that the kids all came in and then it was homework and then off to football and soccer practices and me off to Bible Study. I remember walking in the door later that evening and sitting down and Missy snuggled up next to me for a brief moment. We didn't talk, we just looked at each other for about 30 seconds. And then she got up and said she was off to bed. It was a moment that I cherished. I woke up this morning and remembered that moment.

Just being. That moment where there are no words, and no actions just enjoying one another's company. So many times I think that we feel we have to be saying something or doing something and we miss those moments just enjoying one another's presence.

I think our relationship with God needs to be that way too. How many times do you go to God and get right to the agenda of asking Him for things and demanding answers! I believe that God wants us to spend time with him and just be. We can be changed by just being in His presence. He created us to have a relationship with Him. Try it! It's amazing what happens when we take a moment to catch our breath and "just be"with our creator, father, friend.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Today's the Day of Decision

Everyday I wake up I have a choice to make. Do I live for my own selfish desires or do I die to myself and do what Jesus wants me to do? It's the age old struggle. I'm not the only one that constantly battles with this, am I?

God has given us a choice. The King James Version says, "Choose ye this day whom you will serve." So according to this scripture its a daily decision.

I constantly am reminded that my life is not my own. There is a real sense of satisfaction when I do what God wants me to do. It's because this is what God created me to do.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What did you do over the summer? That's what many students are being asked by their friends now that they are back in school. What would you say if you were asked that question? Many of our youth traveled the world to share Christ with those in need. Others experienced mind blowing worship and great concerts and amazing speakers at our camp and their lives were completely transformed by God. Many of our kids are trying to put words to what they've experienced with God. Over the summer we've witnessed amazing times of ministry at H20. God has shown himself strong in many kids for the very first time. We asked the question what it means to go deeper. For many @ H2o they have rededicated their lives, and are living for Him, 100%. And now they want to do more for God.

Now they are asking the question, "how do I go deeper in my relationship with Him"? We've found that Intimacy with God goes hand in hand with service and showing God's love to others. With intimacy comes a fueling up for what God wants us to do in our "Oikos" or sphere of influence. My sphere for instance is our middle school kids and our senior high kids @ Horizons Church. My goal is to influence and disciple these kids and show them what it means to be a follower of Jesus. If I'm doing my job we will be sending these kids into their schools and they will have a major influence on those around them. Already we are seeing the effects of this type of ministry. Our kids have found others that are hungry, hurting and they are sharing with them how God can fill the void they have in their lives.

Kids are coming to our Sunday night meetings at the prompting of their H2O friends and they are hearing that there is hope and that they are not alone. We are excited to see what God can do with these young willing vessels.

What'd you do over the summer?